Percentages question (maths)

2006-10-21 9:16 pm
Kathy is 18% shorter than Jason, and Timothy is 20% taller than Kathy. Compare the heights of Jason and Timothy, who is taller? By what percentage?

回答 (3)

2006-10-21 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be the height of Jason.
The height of Timothy is x(1-18%)(1+20%) = 98.4%x
Jason is taller than Timothy 1 - 98.4% = 1.6%
2006-10-21 11:48 pm
Let Timothy’s height to y
Kathy’s height = y×(1﹣20%) = 0.8y
Jason’s height = 0.8y×(1+18%) = 0.944y
∴Timothy is taller than Jason
Timothy is taller than Jason
=(y﹣0.944y) / 0.944y×100%
=y(1﹣0.944) / 0.944y×100%
Jason is shorter thanTimothy
=(y﹣0.944) / y×100%
=y(1﹣0.944) / y×100%

參考: The form two maths book
2006-10-21 9:26 pm
Let height of kathy=10
Let height of jason= H


Let height of Timothy=10*1.2=12

therefore Jason is higher.
參考: me

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