If you don’t want to install other program, you can use the ftp command prompt from windows. But you must learn how to use it. Type ”help” in the ftp prompt to get help. If you don’t want to learn, you can use wget. It can download from http, https and ftp.
2006-10-21 16:11:23 補充:
A supplementary note to the answer from ggencommander at 2006-10-21 13:13:26:You should use ”type i” to change the transferring mode to binary before retrieving binary files.
2006-10-21 16:15:20 補充:
Sorry, the command to change to binary mode is ”bin” not ”type i”. ”type i” is the actual command on the ftp protocol to change to binary mode. ”bin” is the command to change to binary mode in ftp command prompt.