CUT 信用咭用否還番張信用咭給銀行?

2006-10-21 8:33 pm
我想 CUT 本人的信用咭,我駛唔駛還番張咭給銀行?

回答 (3)

2006-10-23 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
今時今日, 一般都唔需要, 打個電話去咭中心, 佢對番你既個人資料就搞掂. 除非仲有 d 銀行咁硬頸有呢個要求
cut 咭最終目的唔係要剪左張咭, 而係終止呢張咭背後相連既戶口既一切活動. 戶口凍結(甚至取消)左, 留返張咭俾你都一樣無作用
以前要你交番張咭返銀行, 原意只係想毁滅左張咭, 唔想有一張無效既卡在市面上流傳, 怕你新舊咭搞亂. 但因為一來而家用戶太多, 要搵個職員去服待你剪你張咭既成本高, 二來今時今日 d 咭越出越靚, 不如俾你留返到紀念仲好, 所以漸漸開始無呢個要求
正如張咭 expire 左, 佢寄過張新咭俾你, 都唔會要求你交返去銀行, 道理都一樣
2006-10-22 12:25 pm
Actually, it is not a must to return the card to card centre.

there are 2 reasons why the card centre to ask their customer to return card:
1. for security reason. Card centre will have some special method to handle those wasted cards. It is much save than throw by yourself.
2. To lower the operation cost of bank. Bank is required to pay much more if you not return the card to card centre. Thus, they will ask you to send back the card to them if you want to canx the card.
2006-10-21 8:40 pm
冇錯, 部份銀行可以係電話熱線 cut 卡的, 這樣就不需要交還信用卡
但大部份銀行因為安全理由, 會要求客戶直接到分行辦理 cut 卡, 或者自行將信用卡剪掉後寄回 card centre 的.

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