10分嫁!!!快快快!!!!急要英文(birthday) cake食譜!!快快快!10分嫁!

2006-10-21 7:56 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 12:08 am
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Chocolate Whipped Cream Birthday Cake


1 package Devil’s Food cake mix
4 small cans or cups (about 10-12 oz. Total) Ready-to-Serve Chocolate Pudding
1 egg
½ - 1 cup Chocolate Chips


2 cups Whipping Cream (2 cups equals 1 pint, Heavy cream is best)
¼ cup Powdered Confectioner's Sugar
1 - 2 Teaspoons Vanilla (to taste)


Mix cake ingredients together for 2 minutes –- the mixture will be very thick. Divide mixture equally between 2 greased and floured 8-inch or 9-inch round cake pans. Sprinkle the top of both halves with chocolate chips. Bake 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees, or until top feels firm and toothpick inserted in cake halves comes out clean. Cool on racks until cold.

When the cakes are cold, slice the cakes in half lengthwise with a long knife so you will have 4 layers. You also can use an electric knife to slice the cakes. (This is the most difficult part, but it doesn’t really matter if you make a mistake because the whipped cream will hide it!).

Mix powdered confectioner's sugar and vanilla into COLD whipping cream (whip it straight from the refrigerator so you can make sure it is cold), and whip the cream with a mixer until it is stiff.

Dab a small amount of the whipped cream onto the serving plate to anchor the bottom layer. Divide cream into thirds in the bowl. Put the bottom half layer of one cake on the plate, and spread 1/3 of the whipped cream on top of that layer. Put the top half of that layer on, and top with 1/3 of the whipped cream. Put on the bottom half of the remaining cake, and top with the last 1/3 of the whipped cream. Finish with the remaining top half cake layer.

Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 12 hours. This cake serves approximately 8-12 adults, depending on the size of the individual cake slices.

Decorate the cake with chocs and the appropriate number of candles.
2006-10-21 8:34 pm

此 蛋 糕 能 用 作 製 作 其 他 蛋 糕 之 用 , 或 單 是 搽 上 果 醬 吃 也 很 清 香 美 味


麵 粉 1杯

糖 2/3杯

溶 牛 油 或 植 物 牛 油

全 蛋 4隻 , 蛋 白 3隻

雲 呢 哪 油 1茶 匙


先 將 蛋 糕 盤 搽 上 油 。

將 蛋 、 蛋 白 及 糖 置 於 耐 熱 的 大 碗 內 。 將 碗 於 熱 水 上 蒸 ﹝不 蓋 著 ﹞, 轉 細 火 , 並 輕 力 攪 拌 , 至 蛋 液 和 暖 , 離 火 。

輕 力 混 入 香 油 。

用 電 動 攪 拌 器 ﹝高 速 ﹞打 至 起 ﹝約 十 分 鐘 ﹞。 篩 進 1/3 麵 粉 , 輕 力 將 麵 粉 和 蛋 混 合 好 。 重 覆 至 將 所 有 麵 粉 和 蛋 混 好 。

將 麵 糊 倒 進 蛋 糕 盤 內 , 放 入 已 熱 350F 的 焗 爐 內 焗 25-30 分 鐘 。 取 出 待 冷 , 移 至 涼 架 上 。


蒸 蛋 及 糖 時 , 碗 底 不 可 接 觸 水 面 。

焗 蛋 糕 時 用 竹 籤 插 入 中 間 , 若 取 出 時 乾 爽 , 即 表 示 焗 好 。

最後你自己,,塗cream..decorate吓 就ok la..

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