emission spectrum15分

2006-10-21 5:58 pm
1.The unusual ions He^+ and C^5+ have been detected spectroscopically in light from stars.Comment on the spectra which are observed when constrasted with the emission line spectrum of atomic hydrogen.Also comment on why the two spectra are not identical.

2.Why the hydrogen atom spectrum composed of discrete lines rather than being continous?

回答 (1)

2006-10-22 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. i dunno exactly know the answer, but i guess the lines in line spectrum would be at a closer distance than hydrogen and the number of lines obtained would be more, as the energy levels between successive levels ar closer and He+ has only 1 electron but 2 proton, the effective nuclear charge is higher than that of hydrogen, it is also harder to remove the electron from He+, so there would be more energy levels available, so the spectrum has more lines.
i think for C^5+, the lones would be much more closer than any of the above two, reason is again the same as the above. it is only my guess, i hope i am right

2. the spectrum consists of discrete lines as only certain energy levels ar possible within a hydrogen atom and the lones ar due to electronic transitions from one of these possible higher energy levels to lower energy levels.(for this question, i know the answer exactly)
參考: myself

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