hotel receptionist面試問題?

2006-10-21 5:07 pm
How do you welcome a guest?
How would you deal with an upset customer?
How do you respond if you know the customer is wrong?
我應該點答好?請問仲有冇相關hotel receptionist ge 問題?

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 9:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. How do you welcome a guest?
>>>To show my warm hospitality to the person. Basic greeting like good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Always smile.

2. How would you deal with an upset customer?
>>>(1)Ask what has happened and listen carefully. (2) Paraphrase what the customer said to make sure you did not misunderstand his problem. (3) Think from the customer's perspective. (4)Provide any viable solution.
3. How do you respond if you know the customer is wrong?
>>>>(1) paraphrase his situation to make sure you did not misunderstand him. (2) State the ground and any relevant policy of the hotel (3) Ask for customer's consideration (4) always be patient and emotionally controlled even if the customers are hostile in his request.
參考: knowledge
2006-10-22 2:17 am
Say Good morning or Good evening, Sir / Madam

First, try to get him calm and apolgize what the problem is.

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