
2006-10-21 3:34 pm

Before you welcome a puppy into your home though, you should check one important thing: You should check that none of your family members are allergic to puppy or afraid of them. If one or you family member is afraid of puppies and you bought a puppy in your home. Then your family will be confused.

回答 (4)

2006-10-21 5:33 pm
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原文: Before you welcome a puppy into your home (though*1), you should check (one important thing: You should check that none of your family members are allergic to puppy or afraid of them.*2) (If one or you family member is afraid of puppies and you bought a puppy in your home.*3) Then your family will be (confused.*4)

(1)..... 其實「though」是可以放在尾的,但聼起來怪怪的,因though有「還是」之意. 該把「though」直接省略.

(2)..... 太多「You should check...You should check」了, 聼起來沉悶, 應省略其一: 「...you should check if your family members are allergic or afraid of puppies」「one important thing」去哪了? 被省略了....但如果想對讀者表明是重要事, 可以這樣寫: 「One important thing before you welcome a puppy into your home, you should check if your family members are allergic or afraid of puppies.」

(3)..... 第一: 「if one or you family member is afraid」應該是「if one of your family member is afraid」

第二:「family member is afraid」上一句已經說了, 又再重復, 聼起來會沉悶, 應省略其一. 例:「....allergic or afraid of puppies. If that is the case, and you bought a puppy into your home...」中文翻譯: 「If that is the case」是「如果是這樣...」因上文你已經提及家人對小狗敏感或恐懼. 所以當你說「If that is the case」上文被提及的就被包括在内了.

第三: 留意「bought」是「buy」「買」的過去式, 而「brought」是「bring」「帶」的過去式, 請搞清楚你要表達是那一方.

第四: 應是「....puppy into your home.」不是「....puppy in your home.」

(4)..... 「Then your family will be confused.」「will」是未來式「confused」是過去式. 應用「confuse」

另: 其實你只問改正文法錯誤及錯字, 但這錯是在是太誇張了! 這句本身是沒問題. 但和你上文拼在一起就非常奇怪了: 「如你家人對小狗敏感或恐懼而你又把小狗帶回家的話. 你的家人就會很(困惑)」???? 中文也不成文. Confuse是混亂的/雜亂的/困惑的/惶惑的之意. 應選擇其它詞語, 如: uncomfortable, alert, annoyed...

2006-10-21 09:36:53 補充:
整句應該是:One important thing before you welcome a puppy into your home, you should check if your family members are allergic or afraid of puppies. If that is the case, and you bought a puppy into your home. Then your family will be very uncomfortable.
參考: 自己
2006-10-21 4:38 pm
You need to check some important events before you want to have a puppy. Those events are: There is no one has an allegic reaction on dogs in your home. Another thing is, there is no one afraids them. If one of your family members afraid puppies, but you bought a puppy and bring them home, your family could feel confuse on it.
2006-10-21 4:35 pm
confused = 困惑, 煩惱
What are you trying to say? Do you mean 受到困擾? If yes, 受到困擾 can be said as ' face troubles '

Before you welcome (or you can use ' introduce ' ) a puppy into your home, you should check one important thing: You should check that none of your family members IS allergic to PUPPIES or IS afraid of them. If one OF YOUR family MEMBERS is afraid of puppies and you bought a puppy, then your family will FACE TROUBLES.
2006-10-21 3:51 pm
在可是,你歡迎一只小狗進你的家之前,你應該檢查一件重要的事情︰ 你應該不,你家庭成員的檢查對有過敏性回應小狗和害怕他們。 如果一或者你家庭成員害怕小狗,你在你的家裡買一只小狗。 然後你的家庭將被弄糊塗。


2006-10-21 08:11:21 補充:
參考: Dr.eye

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