My bs number is 430 and hasn't been below 300 for several days. I don't feel ill and I am very stressed.

2006-10-20 9:10 am
Should I be worried if so, what should I do

回答 (15)

2006-10-20 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Call your doctor, most likely you need higher dose of insulin per carb, or for you general shot. Mine has been like that before and it sucks...i hate peeing all the time! haha...goodluck!
2006-10-20 9:12 am
Very Worried. Go to the hospital and get your sugar under control. Then go low carb.
2006-10-20 5:15 pm
Wow sweetie I know from experience that high bs levels are very dangerous expecially when they carry on for days. Seems like your main cause for your high sugar levels is that your very stressed. Try to calm yourself down because stress really makes your levels jump up. Be very careful, your body not being use to these high levels can through you into DKA..DKA if caught early can be took care of at home but if not you will have to be hospitalized. Drink plenty of water to flush your system out. Plus drinking water instead of soda and other drinks will help keep you levels down.
2006-10-20 2:53 pm
You are experiencing an hyperosmality syndrome. Soon it could become a ketoacidosis with diabetic coma. Get it under control fast.
2006-10-20 1:21 pm
My blood sager levels are that high most of the time and I feel fine also, but yes, it's something you should be concern about and call your doctor to let him know that your blood levels are high on a consistent basis. There may be a need to change dosage of medicine, and yes STRESS will cause your blood sugar level to rise. Call your doctor.
2006-10-20 1:11 pm
Stress causes alot of things. When I was going through a divorce my blood sugars ran high, in the 300 and 400's. Once that divorce became final, my blood sugars dropped and have never been high again. I had no symptoms of diabetes such as thirstiness, frequent urination, etc. One day at work someone was practicing taking blood sugars and that's how I found out mine was so high.
2006-10-20 9:13 am
yes! That is VERY troubling! Are you on insulin? If so, perhaps your insulin has gone bad. You should go to the emergency room or see your doctor tomorrow first thing. Stay away from sugar and starch and drink a lot of water until you can get help. Please get help soon!
2015-08-25 1:38 am
This Site Might Help You.

My bs number is 430 and hasn't been below 300 for several days. I don't feel ill and I am very stressed.
Should I be worried if so, what should I do
參考: bs number 430 hasn 39 300 days don 39 feel ill stressed:
2006-10-23 7:38 am
have you checked for ketones and yes u should be worried it s not good u may be gettin ready for a bout with aciketodosis which will cause dehydration, sudden weight loss, and a whole host of other problems my sons been hospitalized by it 17 in 3 mos back from dec to feb if your on certain medicines and over the counter drugs or alcohol can cause that u need to talk to your dr asap before u do serious damage to your body
2006-10-20 12:42 pm
Sounds like you're already worried. This type of stress will most definitely raise your sugar levels. Read this, learn from it, and lower your blood sugar asap or you're going to have big problems soon.

For type I and type II diabetics (and those who are overweight and could potentially become diabetic). Copy and bookmark the webpages I‘ve listed below… they are invaluable for those with diabetes and/or weight problems...

I've found a wonderful book that will help you control your diabetes and minimize or even eliminate the complications. Some folks who became diabetic due to poor diet and obesity are effectively cured by following the advice in this book. I'm a type II (inherited), but it helps all types, especially those who became diabetic due to poor eating habits. It's by an author who has really done his homework, Patrick Quillin, Phd. It's called, "The Diabetes Improvement Program". I have tried his suggestions and found them to be very helpful. I have no complications whatsoever and my blood sugar levels are quite stable. Yes, I still have to take Metformin (Glucophage) daily, but it's the minimum dosage (500mg) and I only have to take it twice a day. I have been off Metformin for as much as a week, but this was with vigorous exercise. Many, what I call, non-hereditary type IIs (those that don't have a close relative who had it) have gotten off medication completely, just with diet, exercise, and supplements. So, in some instances, it most certainly can be 'effectively' cured. Read more about it here:

The book explains what's going on in our system and what to do about it. It's really easy and inexpensive. It's basically diet, supplements, and exercise. For example, did you know that cinnamon helps blood sugar absorption? It also controls cholesterol and triglycerides. This is according to the USDA:

Here are just a few of the things I’ve learned to help my diabetes:

Learn how a vegetarian diet can renew your body and cure almost anything:

Remarkable supplement improves circulation and can help prevent neuropathy and macular degeneration:

Great calorie enlightenment:

Sugar does not cause diabetes:

Lots of information on diabetes:

Some enlightening type 1 diabetes info:

Recommended reading for anyone trying to control weight, especially diabetics:

Some psychology behind overeating:

Insulin and the brain:

Why the British are healthier than Americans:

Some great health sites with all kinds of general health information:

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