
2006-10-21 6:25 am
1. I should like this report to (wait) for Professor Brown when he arrives.
2. Professor Brown told me that he ( read) the report yet.
3. My brother (live) in London for the past 15 years.
上面三條問題,都係ing form,,但就唔同

我係網上睇到的 但我唔明 出處我會係選最佳時講番

回答 (4)

2006-10-22 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I should like this report to be waiting for Professor Brown when he arrives.

to be waiting ~ cus the report is here but professor is not here yet so the report will be waiting for him.

2. Professor Brown told me that he hasn't been reading the report yet.

hasn't been reading~ there is a "yet" so it means that Professor brown has not yet read the report.

3. My brother has been living in London for the past 15 years.

has been living ~ my brother lived in london since 15 years ago, and "for" indicates that he's still living in london when "live" has to be in "ing form.
參考: me
2006-10-26 2:42 am
2006-10-21 6:50 am
1.I should like this report to (wait) for Professor Brown when he arrives.
1.I should like this report (wait+ing) for Professor Brown when he arrives.
wait+ing 變成名詞Noun
2. Professor Brown told me that he ( read) the report yet.
2. Professor Brown told me that he (was reading) the report yet.
(was reading)是過去進行式,因為這裡用作動詞,動詞前便要加[ be]即is,am,are,因為此句是過去式,由told知道,所以這裡要用was,is的過去式,
3. My brother (live) in London for the past 15 years.
3. My brother (had been living) in London for the past 15 years.
用had been living因為有個for及一段時間,由past 知道已過去,所以要用過去式,had been living是過去進行式.

2006-10-20 22:52:05 補充:
to wait = waiting
2006-10-21 6:46 am

the answer is

1) wait (not ing form)

2) had not read (reported speech)

3) has lived (present perfect tense is better)
has been living (present prefect cont. tense is OK in the usage of native speakers)


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