very many??

2006-10-21 5:48 am
即係英文有冇 "very many" 咖?

回答 (4)

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Very many 是對的,是英文中的修辭方法,用作強調,突出。你 GOOGLE VERY MANY,大把例子。不過,雖然是正確,但日常生活少用,太過扮野,多是講 MANY。

Practical English Usage by Michael Swan (Oxford University Press) says....." many... can be modified by... very. Very many is used mostly in questions and negatives."

I would add that it is also used in answers, and for emphasis.
"Have you had many boyfriends?" "Well, not very many!"
So, whilst 'very many' is grammatically possible, and it is used, as any word search will show, it would also seem that native British English speakers do not use that particular word combination frequently in everyday speech. We more often simply say "many".

Nintendo Wii mockup next to very many things. Posted Jun 24th 2006 5:05PM by Paul Miller Filed under: Gaming. If there's a Nintendo fanboy looking over your shoulder, now might be the time to cover their eyes -- they might just not be ...

Not Very Many People Like Tom Latham. From a press release from the Spencer Campaign... Latham Re-elect Support at 35% Ames – The Spencer for Congress campaign today released poll numbers which show Dr. Selden Spencer, who entered the ... 10/not-very-many-people-like-tom-latham.html - 21k -
2006-10-21 6:10 am
very many is wrong..........
you can use
lots of
a lot ot
so many (countable words)
so much (uncountable words)

hope can help!
參考: :D
2006-10-21 5:58 am


十分多唔可以叫very many
可以用so many, a lot等等

參考: 我囉!
2006-10-21 5:52 am
參考: mine

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