
2006-10-21 2:15 am
are. we. you. they .he.she.it.her.him..do.did.does.....................
的用法 、舉例說明and 當問問題 or 答問題的時侯,又怎樣用呢?

回答 (2)

2006-10-21 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
*we. you. they .he.she.it.her.him



1.John invited the pretty girl to dinner because he (=John) liked her (=the pretty girl).

2.I and Tom are friends. We (=I and Tom) always play together.



When there is verb in a sentence.We add do/does/did in negative,sentence and question.

如果句子中有一個動詞,我們加 do/does/did 在反面句子,句子和問題。


1.Did you like dogs? (did is auxiliary verb(助動詞),like is 本動詞。)



*Had better,would rether後須接原形本動詞。


E.g.:Do you have lunch?


E.g.:Do you see him?
Yes,I do.

*can的未來式必須用be,able,to,must的過去式是had to,未來式是shall(will) have to。

E.g.:You will not be able to have it.


E.g.:I was afraid lest he should come too late.
2006-10-21 2:39 am
he / she / it 全是單數, 所以要用 is, does
e.g., he is 34 years old, he does engineering for living
he / she / it 0既現在式動詞, 需要加 s 喺後面
e.g. he works in this building, it runs to the car, she buys the bag

we / you / they / 是眾數, 要用 are, do
e.g. we are in Central, they are drinking at the bar
眾數動詞無需加 s
e.g. they go to the beach, we eat dinner in the restaurant

him / her / it / us / them / me 用要在句子0既最後面, 當一句句子有兩個object 時所適用, him / her / it / us / them / me 會成為比較次要之object
e.g. This pen belongs to him. = The pen (It) 在這句子之角色比較主要
參考: 我的知識

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