Grade 5考琴

2006-10-21 1:52 am
A2 B3 C2


回答 (3)

2006-10-21 11:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually when examiner is judging, they will

- firstly focus on the presentation of the song, i.e. the style of the whole song, the 感情presentation (this will include dynamic change) MOST IMPORTANT

- secondly technical things eg mistakenly wrong notes

So you should focus on the style when you are having exam and try to practise how to continue/ignore when you accidentally played wrong note.

Also when you make mistake when having exam, REMEMBER, DONT THINK BACK, think ahead, dont let the wrong note affect the coming part. That is also very important.

For scale, it is better practise as much as u can to avoid mistake, but if you still have mistake, the above strategy still apply.

Lastly, 心理預備 before exam is very important. Prepare the mood of each song before exam will help u FOCUS. You can try when u practise at home.

Hope will help.

Miss Tse Jennie
參考: 18 yrs teaching, 30 yrs recital experience
2006-10-21 2:02 am
A2 B3 C2 要了注意大細聲,音準。
其實我都考過琴,而又是Grade 5。

2006-10-20 18:05:09 補充:
參考: 自已
2006-10-21 1:57 am
係ga, 扣好多分... 你最好練熟d, 同埋俾d感情, 就算俾0呂倒, 都要扮野, 彈得誇張d!!

2006-10-20 18:00:38 補充:
參考: 我

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