
2006-10-21 1:35 am
如題, 請詳述一天內可以輕輕鬆鬆欣賞到魔戒景點的有關資料, 例如景點名稱, 交通配套等等!

因為我是跟團去Queenstown的, 所以係冇租到車o架, 如果參觀的地方是交通方便的就更加好喇!

回答 (3)

2006-10-24 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not really. Queenstown is a small town. You can say there is no bus at all. ( because for some people, 2 hours can finish the town without any activites, and they said damn it. But for me i enjoy the environment and beautiful lake side.

Queenstown actually is one of the spot in Lord of the Ring, But not much.

Arrowtown is a small township near queenstown (20mins drive) It is a small but nice town

The most famous place/township/site which took in Lord of the Ring is Glenorchy which is about 45mins drive from Queenstown. Last time i just stay there for an hr and go back to qtown

The other place is Mt. Cook, which is about 3 hrs drive from Queenstown. I dont think you can do that as well

For a day trip i recommand you to join the Farm show which is call: Earnslaw Steamship/Walter Peak High Country Farm (Real Journeys)
just right next to Lake Wakatipu. I mean it is worth to be part of your trip. I think Gondola is worth to go ( if this is your first time to go qtown ).

I hope it can help. I can answer you more if you have any other question

Some more informaiton you can see below. It is official site for qtown
2006-10-22 9:08 am
跟團去的free time 不多, 又沒有自己租車的話比較麻煩. 建議你在 Queenstown 的 Tour center 度搵資料及馬上報 local tour. 係有 local tour 去 lord of the ring 拍攝地點的. 我上次同朋友自己開車去了 Deer Park Height, 非常正. 你可以去看看我的相片.
2006-10-21 6:48 am
I do not know much about the names of local tourist attractions in Queenstown. However, if you are only staying in Queenstown for a day, the best thing you could do is to join some local tour. I know there are quite a few "Lord Of the Ring" day tour you can join. Or you can get some information from the local tourist information.
Queenstown is a very very very small town, so once you get there, you will find many shops/places provide information for tourists.
Hope you will have a great time there, it is a really beautiful place.
參考: I lived in New Zealand

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