請問可以幫我翻譯為英文?? (15點,麻煩咁多位)

2006-10-21 1:20 am

thank you for your report. 但有幾樣野想同你verify o既
1.你們的cancellation report是怎樣釐訂的?
2.你們的Non-Estabished report 的意思是?
3.upload 資料的report,是否會by week send比我? 及會否將地點轉用point code?


回答 (5)

2006-10-21 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To Whom It May Concern:

First, I have to thank you for your recent report. However, I have couple questions would like to verify with you:

1) What are the principles of your cancellation report?

2) The intention of your non-established report?

3) Do you mind to send me the upload report by this week? Also, would you please change the location to point code?

Again, thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Have a good day.

參考: a college student in USA
2006-10-21 2:22 am
Thank you for your report. But I have a few point want to verify with you
1)How did your concellation report to be made? What is your scale?
2)What is the meaning of Non-Estabished report that mention by you?
3)Will you send to me by this week of the information that upload by you? And will you change the place become point code?

參考: 自己**
2006-10-21 1:43 am
Thank you for your report. However there are several points that I think you could help to verify:-

1. the basis of the cancellation report;
2. the meaning of your non-established report;
3. will you send the report with updated information to me weekly? And will the location be changed to point code?
參考: myself
2006-10-21 1:32 am
感謝你的報告。 但有幾樣野想同你證實o既
2006-10-21 1:25 am
I receive pieces of guest o already report , have o wild to is it ask to think

thank you for your report. But already there are several kinds of wild missing and your verify o
1.?A?̪?cancellation report?O?缋§?q???
2.Is the meaning of your Non-Estabished report?
3.Report of upload materials, know by week send than I? And will migrate point code in the place?

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