唔識計數 幫一幫我

2006-10-21 12:13 am
Sam was single,and his income for the financial year 2001/2002 was $109,000 .
Find his salaries tax.


回答 (2)

2006-10-21 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Taxable income is = 109,000 - 108,000 (personal allowance) = 1,000

Tax = 1,000 x 2% =$20

2006-10-20 16:19:10 補充:
if Sam has no other allowance. And 2001/02, have tax refund (50%), so the actual payment is $10.
2006-10-21 12:24 am
Assuming no other deductables.

Tax for 2001/2002 is 20 but $10 will be refunded. Then actual tax to be paid is $10

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:37:36
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