Stamps just like as gold and diamonds. 錯在那裡???

2006-10-20 11:58 pm
Stamps just like as gold and diamonds. 錯在那裡???

回答 (3)

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just like = just as 就像

如果用完 like 用 as 便是重覆, 多餘,兼錯

無人說 " 就像像 "

It works just like Apple’s iDisk by mounting a network drive on your Mac desktop. ... - 40k -

American TV news has always presented an American perspective, just as Al Jazeera presents an Arab perspective. But in wartime, the American slant has become more obvious, and as a result Al Jazeera's Arab slant has become less ... - 58k -

2006-10-20 18:27:34 補充:
下面位,我想你弄錯了。那句的 LIKE 是 PREPOSITION, 不是 ADJECTIVE。Stamps are just like gold and diamonds. Subj verb adverb prep object conj object.

2006-10-20 18:29:35 補充:
justad.1. 正好,恰好That is just what I want to know.那正是我想知道的。2. 僅僅,只是He is just a child.他只是一個孩子。

2006-10-20 18:30:20 補充:
like prep.1. 像,如They are like brothers and sisters.他們就像兄弟姐妹一樣。2. (作法,程度等)和...一樣Dick acts like a gentleman.迪克的舉止如同紳士。He was like a son to me.他就像我的兒子一樣。

2006-10-20 18:33:46 補充:
Stamps just like as gold and diamonds. 這句其實可以是對,只要改為Stamps, just like as gold and diamonds,。。。當然,如果是張跟你的答案,改為Stamps are just like as gold and diamonds. 便最好。

2006-10-20 18:34:39 補充:
其實你的答案是對的,我只是不同意你說 LIKE 是 ADJECTIVE。

2006-10-20 18:36:48 補充:
Sorry, 應是 Stamps, just like gold and diamonds,。。。Stamps are just like gold and diamonds.

2006-10-21 16:24:31 補充:
2006-10-22 12:27 am
GOOD!!! 加油!!!
2006-10-21 12:01 am
as does not go after like

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