
2006-10-20 11:18 pm
本人申請左working hliday visa, 準備係今年12月出發,
所以考慮係香港完成後再算, 定係去完au再算.

因為本人的資金有限, 只能二選一...


回答 (3)

2006-10-21 9:47 pm
如果 working holiday visa 要 30 歲以下先 apply 到.... 如果你仲有漫長時間先到 30... 緊係讀埋個 degree 課程先... 咁你讀完... 過到 australia ...都可以做番關於你讀既課程既工......
2006-10-21 5:32 am
If you already say 資金有限, then stay in Hong Kong.

BUT I would prefer to go to Australia and try something new when you have a chance...
It is not that easy to have a chance. If you miss it, you miss it... and do not look backward...Always think positive...
2006-10-20 11:21 pm
你其實都決定左,((考慮係香港完成後再算)), 唔好想咁多啦,照你心意去做啦

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