2006-10-20 8:07 pm
每 1 種 ENZYME 要 work in optimum temp. & optimum pH~
extreme of pH 個 enzyme 咪會 denatured 既~ ~

甘如果個 enzyme 既 optimum pH 係 9, 旦係係 pH 5 既環境, 甘個 enzyme 會 inactive ( stop working ) 定 denature?

唔好鄭係答會定唔會, 最好比埋解釋我~


回答 (1)

2006-10-20 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
usually it will denature.

Enzyme is very sensitive to the change of the pH value as acidity may change its specific shape of active site, so they can only work in a very narrow range of pH. If the enzyme work best in pH 9, then probably it can only work within the range of pH 7-11 only, pH 5 is obviously too low for it which permanent damage will be caused to the active site of the enzyme and thus, denature!

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