中譯英How to get well after a cold

2006-10-20 4:45 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-20 4:50 pm
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Each person all can have the different disease to have serious and slight, catches cold sickness department is most common All has as for its condition serious and is slight, the cold dissemination way may teach other people by the person Or when resistivity drop contracts the cold When contracts the cold must need to drink the abundant moisture and the rest, because the moisture and the rest may increase the bodily resistivity and best asks doctor to diagnose an illness the medicine The cold sometimes meets the throat pain or flows the nose water the so shape, under the I believe food some nutrition foods and the fruit juice can have the advantage to the cold, finally needs the mood good rest and drinks the volunteer fire brigade quickly to be restored to health
2006-10-20 5:24 pm
Everyone may get different kinds of illness, either acute or mild; Catching a cold is the most common among all.
It can be mild or acute as well, and it can pass from human to human.
Catching a cold maybe due to a reduction of your immunity. Whenever you catch a cold, you should drink a lot of water and take a rest because they help you enhance your resistence against illnesses.Besides, you should consult a doctor for medication.
Sore throat and running nose are symptoms of cold. Personally I think taking in some nutritional food and fresh fruit juice can help cure the cold. Finally, taking a rest and drinking more water while maintaining a good mood can help you recover soon.

2006-10-24 09:02:53 補充:
there are many grammatical mistakes wor!

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