Ethernet Hub 同 Ethernet Router 有咩分別?

2006-10-20 12:08 pm
有咩分別? 邊個好D? 如果用來 connect Network Printer and Network storage (Hard Drive)

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hub has no processing power and is really cheap. It just connects everything together. Router is a lot smarter and expensive and you can do many task on a router such as firewall, port forward and etc.

If you just want to connect your network printer and network storage and you are under a small network ( less than 6 computers), hub should be the best.
2006-10-20 5:13 pm
Router 是用來「分開」或「連接」兩個不同的Network,
eg. Internet and Intranet

Hubs 是用來連接同一網路的。

兩個完全是不同產品不能比較,不過現在有些for SOHO或家用的Router, 提供了
WiFi, Hubs的功能, 所以Hubs和Router的功能有是會被混在一起,其實是不對的!

主要看個network有幾多台機,一般hubs 會有4, 8, 16, 24, 32 ports供你選擇,
而那些家用的Router通常只有4個ports, 如果你有一台Network Printer 和一台Network storage, 4 ports的hubs未必夠用。
2006-10-20 1:34 pm
router has the internet connection. the hub doesn't.
both should be able to connect network printer and network storage

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