買機票: 去加拿大(calgary)邊度買機票平?

2006-10-20 11:09 am
1月3號出發, 仲有回程日期未決定, 咁點買??

回答 (4)

2006-10-20 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以打電話去旅行社﹐問佢地1月3號o個日有冇團體飛去Calgary. 因為團體飛係bulk sale, 多數都會平d。你都可以問埋佢regular幾錢﹐然後compare. 其實兩隻飛係冇分別﹐你又唔使跟住個旅行團周圍去玩﹐只不過搭單買飛﹐坐埋同一班機咋嘛! 不過記住﹐團體飛多數唔可以轉讓/退票﹐小心!
香港應該冇直航機去Calgary, 你可以選擇o係美國Seattle或加拿大Vancouver轉機。我唔會揀美國轉機﹐因為o係美國轉機要清關﹐好煩! 如果o係Vancouver轉內陸應該唔駛清關﹐方便好多。
你睇下有咩航空公司選擇啦! 不過你要駁加拿大內陸﹐應該會搭Air Canada(AC). 其實AC同國泰(CX)價錢係差唔多﹐不過CX d野食﹑坐位好d. 我本人就唔太鍾意AC﹐因為試過壞冷氣﹐又試過發生其他不愉快o既事。既然價錢差唔多﹐如果駁到機﹐而又唔會太麻煩﹐你睇下可唔可以CX轉AC囉!
其實加拿大仲有間內陸航空叫Harmony, 你可以check下如果內陸o個程轉搭Harmony會唔會平過搭AC.
除非你識人啦﹐個個Agent價錢都差唔多﹐相差都係一﹑二百。無論你同邊個買﹐book位時記得要check下張飛open幾耐。Open 3個月就最平﹐半年又貴d﹐一年就最貴。如果你停留少過3個月﹐買open 3個月o既ok! 平d架!
1月頭會難少少買飛﹐因為d流學生趕返加拿大開學﹐西岸係轉機點﹐所以機位會緊張d. Book位時講明要1月3號出發﹐回程一定要任改! 然後你可以假定一個回程日期落order, for example:


起程日期: 2007年1月3日
出發地點: HKG
目的地: Vancouver, BC
抵達日期: 2007年1月3日 (同日﹐因為Vancouver比香港慢15小時)
轉機日期: 2007年1月3日 (除非你想stay幾日)
轉往城市: Calgary, AB
抵達日期: 2007年1月3日
雖然回程未定﹐但你心目中約莫都有個日期。你就揀最有可能o個日book住先。由於你張飛係open 3個月+回程任改﹐o係出發後3個月內可以自選回程日期﹔只要有機位你都可以改。不過只係回程改得﹐去程改親就會被罰錢! 我試過罰左$500HKD -__-

回程日期: 2007年1月31日
出發地點: Calgary, AB
目的地: Vancouver, BC
抵達日期: 2007年1月31日
轉機日期: 2007年1月31日
轉往城市: HKG
抵達日期: 2007年2月1日
由於你要駁機﹐所以要改回程o個時記得要改晒兩程機票! Make sure, 段段都confirm晒先好起程呀! 如果唔係去到Vancouver發覺冇機位﹐你就要o係機場等架喇! 等唔到機就要o係機場訓﹐唔會provide酒店俾你!
過左12月24日同埋1月頭﹐d機票價錢會回落﹐你留意下^^ 唔好信晒航空公司網頁d價錢呀! 我去睇過幾間d online offer都高過agent報價﹐有次我見到足足比agent貴幾千蚊! 小心中招!! 同埋唔好用加拿大做出發地點黎買飛﹐o係依邊出發貴過o係香港出發架! 你飛咁遠程﹐記住要入返d飛行里數﹐千祈唔好蝕左俾航空公司呀!
祝旅途愉快! =)

2006-10-24 04:40:20 補充:

2006-10-24 04:46:43 補充:
如果你係經agent買機票﹐可以叫agent幫你做會籍﹐入埋飛行哩數。雖然以上兩種方法都可以入哩數﹐但有時可能會出錯﹐入唔到。所以你一定要keep住每一程張boarding pass o既票尾! 假如後來發覺哩數資料有問題﹐都可以同航空公司“靿”! (航空公司唔會幫你keep record﹐睇下你飛過去邊﹐所以一定要keep boarding pass飛尾!)如果你一直都收唔到航空公司通知你賺得o既哩數資料﹐你就要上網check下睇下有冇入到。發現有問題﹐就要o係出發後半年內通知航空公司﹔時間隔得太耐﹐好似唔受理^^

2006-10-27 15:54:57 補充:
hi Michael Cheung:i would not fly w/ United Airways... they really sucks! Air Canada is still better in terms of services. i was on their flights, so i know.

2006-10-27 16:03:07 補充:
if cymusic55 transfer via American airports, s/he will have to go thru the US custom, line-up and wait for security check; that would be a real nightmare for travellers who just walk out from a 13-hour-flight.

2006-10-27 16:03:49 補充:
leaving the security issue aside, i dun think its worth getting a US visa just for transferring purpose. it costs several hundred dollars, and, the most importantly, it takes time. so by the end of the day, u saved nothing.

2006-10-27 16:27:41 補充:
it doesnt matter if cymusic55 is a Canuck or not, its pointless for him/her to transfer via Toronto.

2006-10-27 16:31:09 補充:
the plane hits Van before going other Canadian cities anyway! so y take 5hrs to Toronto, then fly another 3-4hrs back to Calgary in the West?
參考: i'm a frequent "flyer" =P
2006-10-27 12:39 am
3/1 is in the high season period,it's difficult for you to find cheap air-tickets
it's really cheaper for you to buy via net
and most of the tickets are sold already,so buy it as fast as you can
like me,I can't buy the United's air-ticket back to Calgary from HK on 1/1
(it takes about CAN$1900 for the United and CAN$2300 for Air Canada respectively for the prices at that period)

in actually,taking China Airlines is the cheapest,but its flight always delate,bad service and necessary for you transfer in Taipei before you go to Vancouver.it's complicating for you to do immigration in Vancouver,BC before taking the domestic flight to Calgary,AB

if you are earning air-miles in any airline members of the Star Alliances Group like Air Canada and United Airlines,ANA,etc
just mention to the agency that u're earning miles before you purchase,then your miles is earned
(if you forget to do so,you can post your ticket with boarding pass as the proof to the mile centre,then they'll handle your request for adding miles or not)

other ways for not choosing China Airlines :
it's cheaper for you choosing the United Airlines instead of Air Canada if you're a Canadian Citizen
but u need to transfer via US cities such as San Francisco when you take the United flight(VISA is required if you use BNO or HKSAR's Passport)
if you are not a Canuck,it's cheaper for you transfer via Vancouver instead of Toronto
prices of the Cathay Pacific is similiar to Air Canada

obviously,Westjet is cheaper,however,the connection is sucks if you travel outside Canada and the US.
you can experience it when you take the return flight from Calgary because the Calgary International Airport is using self-check-in system now
參考: I'm a Calgarian
2006-10-20 2:43 pm
i think every corp. is the same prices lar in the high season since your date u plan to leave is jan 3rd. i personal perfer westjet because there services is better and they are new too compare with AC and AC d service is slow and bad attitude too. However, westjet doesnt has one way to your destination though so i think u need to take cathic pacific and switch flight in Vancouver. try to use the asian mile point to buy a flight this is the best way because it safe u some money. hehe.....^^
參考: myself i live in edmonton whcih is beside calgary
2006-10-20 12:23 pm

你去 westjet --- http://www.westjet.com/ or Air canada --- http://www.aircanada.com/ online 買機票應該係最平... 係其他公司都會收翻你幾十或者幾百(但係佢地都係網上幫你買...) 回程可以用 Open 就得啦~

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