2006-10-20 9:17 am
想問申請程序需時幾耐? 如果自己辦理, 麻唔麻煩? 會唔會好複雜...
定係搵律師或agent搞好d呢? 聽聞要準備好多野証明我倆既關係, 通常interview時會問d咩架?

我同男朋友打算下年10月底結婚, 應該幾時開始申請visa好呢?

問題多多, 希望各有經驗既朋友仔可以解答!! thx soooooo much~

回答 (2)

2006-10-20 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry that I cannot type Chinese.....
I came to the U.S. with a K-1 visa about 2 years ago. My fiancé (now husband) had submitted the applications in February and I got the visa in August and got married in the States in October. The process is quite simple and fast. You can definitely do it by yourselves, so you can save the money for your wedding. :)

Your boyfriend can start the process now because once the visa is issued, it is valid for 6 months and once you enter the U.S., you will have to get married within 90 days. Otherwise, you will have to leave.

He has to file the petition and provide the following items to USCIS:
• Form I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)
• Evidence of his U.S. citizenship - original U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship.
• 2 Form G-325A Biographic Data Sheets (one for him and one for you)
• One color photo of him and one of you taken within 30 days of filing (please see Form I-129F for more instructions on photos).
• A copy of any divorce decrees, death certificates, or annulment decrees if either him or you have been previously married.
• US$170 application fee.

The interview is most likely in Chinese, but it will be about 3-4 months after the petition is approved. You will receive a letter from the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong about the appointment and what you should bring to the interview.
You will have to provide the proof of your relationship, i.e. phone bills, emails, pictures, letters, etc. Personally, I think the pictures are the most important evidence. The staff will ask you about how you met, his middle name (if he’s an American), point at the people in the pictures and ask you who they are (it could be his brother, his friends, etc). If your relationship is real, you should be able to answer the questions.

You can contact me for more information and you can refer to http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/fiance.htm
All the forms can be downloaded from http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/index.htm

2006-10-21 00:52:22 補充:
My email address is [email protected] :)
參考: My experience and http://www.uscis.gov/
2006-10-21 8:49 am
我想問一問以上的回答者,可不可以給你的email 俾我呀,,因為我同發問者也有相同的打算,除左問申請fiancee visa之外,都想問下係美國的婚禮同香港有何不同,同需要準備什麼,其實我還有很多問題的。

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