果d 在港修讀的澳洲大學的 BBA 課程...認受性如何??

2006-10-20 8:06 am
請問果d 在港修讀的澳洲大學的 BBA 課程...認受性如何??

回答 (2)

2006-10-21 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If talking about the recognition it is not appropriate to say it too general.

eg. some MNC usually employ candidates who get an overseas degree because they want to choose one who can adapt to their company culture.

Basically the BBA, no matter in which country, is necessary for starting a job and the most important for the career is the job experience. Guess if you are the employer, it is normal you would like to choose one who can help you who got a wide range of skills in previous job.
參考: from the employer's point of view
2006-10-20 5:38 pm


但如果你不能入讀香港那七間大學,能夠修讀的澳洲大學的 BBA 課程叫做好過無。但你預期畢業後很難找到大公司工作(除非你真的很Smart 和成績超好),起薪點也一定不高。但至少你能夠入行,有累積經驗的機會。


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