
2006-10-20 8:01 am
Also exogenous addition of compounds such as vitamins (A, E, β-carotene), minerals (selenium, zinc), or proteins (transferrin, ceruloplasmin, albumin) can provide additional protection (Ostrovidov et al., 2000). These natural antioxidants or other compounds that can neutralize free radicals may be of central importance in the prevention of vascular diseases, some forms of cancer (Halliwell, 1997 and Nakayama et al., 1993) and oxidative stress responsible for DNA, protein and membrane damage.

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2006-10-20 8:04 am
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並且化合物的外生加法例如維生素(A, E, β胡蘿卜素), 礦物(硒, 鋅), 或蛋白質(鐵傳遞酶, ceruloplasmin, 白蛋白)可能提供另外的防護(等Ostrovidov, 2000). 可能中立化自由基的這些自然抗氧劑或其他化合物在血管病的預防也許是中央重要, 癌症(Halliwell的某種形式, 等1997年和Nakayama, 1993) 并且氧化重音負責任對脫氧核糖核酸, 蛋白質和膜損傷。

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