What are 3 things that you do everyday?

2006-10-20 7:57 am
Tell me some things other than eat sleep and pi$s....

回答 (37)

2006-10-20 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
So 3 things that we do everday other than our daily habits, you mean huh? Well, ok let me think..hmmm well, everyday i find myself having a song stuck in my head, everyday i miss someone and everyday i will say hi to my cat.
2006-10-20 8:01 am
wake up
go back to sleep
2006-10-20 8:01 am
When i wake up in the morning and i raise my weary head the first thing i do is shout out "Allah Hu Fuckbar" and then i shout out "Pig **** be upon Mohamhead the kiddie f*ker" then i goto work.
參考: Me myself and eyeeeee
2006-10-20 8:01 am
Y!A, sleep, shower, smoke, and other things too but not every day
2006-10-20 7:59 am
****, type answers, go to the gym......lol
2006-10-20 8:05 am
brush my teeth,walk my dogs,and hang out with my children
2006-10-20 8:05 am
kiss my boyfriend, wish i was paris hilton and chat to my secret lover
2006-10-20 8:02 am
Kiss my husband
call my daughter
play with my dogs
2006-10-20 8:02 am
shower, dress up and sit on "Chairs"
2006-10-20 8:00 am
talk with my wife

watch Futurama and Family Guy

buy cigarettes
2006-10-20 8:00 am
tell my kids I love them
don't make my bed
2006-10-20 8:00 am
Shower,Makeup and Online.
2006-10-20 8:00 am
I check my lip gloss through out the day. send my mom a text message. stretch a lot.
2006-10-20 8:00 am
Taking care of my three month old baby boy is my number one priority

(when he is asleep I do these things)
Play online computer games
Answer questions in Yahoo Answers
2006-10-20 7:59 am
Hug my granddaughter. Pray. Yahoo Answers.
2006-10-20 9:49 am
Yahoo answers
Watch the news
2006-10-20 8:29 am
Watch movies, Play my piano or guitar, Laugh
2006-10-20 8:25 am
1)Play on the computer.
3)Watch television.
2006-10-20 8:24 am
I hug my babies every day.... ♥
I have two cups of coffee every morning... lol! I am not entirely awake nor responsible for my actions until ten minutes after my last cup...!
And third, " I say I love you to my family every day! ♥
2006-10-20 8:06 am
talk to my friends, e-mail someone, watch t.v.
2006-10-20 8:05 am
other than basic essentials... :
- go to work...chk my mail n Y!A
- watch news on tv...n my fav show
- listen to music, play/hav fun...
2006-10-20 8:01 am
Drive myself home, later I go to the store, and when i come home from shopping I watch television.
2006-10-20 8:00 am
shower, and other hygenics
hang out with my family
2006-10-20 8:00 am
cuss at the alarm clock, drink too much dr. pepper, floss (gah!)
2006-10-20 7:59 am
Read something devotional, drink a lot of coffee, and go to the Post Office for my mail.
2006-10-20 7:59 am
Shower, eat, answer at least five questions on the computer.
2006-10-20 7:59 am
go to work
read my e-mail
watch tv
ride the bus
get the mail
2006-10-20 7:59 am
every day I make the bed, make dinner and watch EastEnders
2006-10-20 7:59 am
Drink coffee. Check email. Talk on the phone.
2006-10-20 7:59 am
on the computer,then eat my breakfast and then answer questions
2006-10-20 1:11 pm
wake up,talk,laugh/smile
2006-10-20 11:10 am
change diapers, breastfeed, Y!A
2006-10-20 10:27 am
Feed my cats
kiss my wife
hug my daugthers
2006-10-20 8:47 am
I wake up
I move to the couch
I go back to sleep
2006-10-20 7:59 am
2006-10-20 7:58 am
Breathe, Eat, Use the facilities
2006-10-20 7:59 am
everyday I drink one can of coke, I smoke 15 cigarettes and wipe my @ss twice, are you satisfied with that answer?

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