
2006-10-20 7:12 am
請問大笨鐘,倫敦大橋,London Eye,白金漢宫在英國的哪個城市/地方?


回答 (2)

2006-10-20 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
大笨鐘 (The Big Ben), 倫敦大橋 (London Bridge), 倫敦眼摩天輪 (London Eye), 白金漢宫 (The Buckingham Palace) 全部都在英國首都倫敦
2006-10-20 2:51 pm
All of them are in Central London (Zone One). I will suggest you take the open top bus which charges you GBP18 /person. within 24 hrs, you can get on the bus and get off the bus all time in each tourist attractions. It will takes all over the attractions in London.

London Eye charges you GBP 17.5/person, I suggest you reach there at 10:00am that not too much people getting into one eye. The no. of people may be 8 or 18 difference.

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