the soil in TRF ( urgent) for geog test

2006-10-20 6:43 am
Is the soil in trf fertile or infertile ? Why?

Explain in eng and in your own words clearly to make me understand

回答 (1)

2006-10-21 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
actually, it can be said it is fertile if you compare with the soil in Tundra and Tropical Desert. As there is high annual litter fall, so there is more nutrient in the soil.

But if you just focous in the nutrient cycle in TRF. The soil in TRF have the less nutrient.
First, the is abundent vegetation in TRF uptake the nutrient from the soil. Most nutrient are store in the tree.(that's explain why there is slash and burn.let the nutrient release from the tree)
Then, the forest in TRF is evergreen, not too much litter on the groung and there is rapid litter decomposition.
Thirdy, the soil in TRF are characterized by intense and prolonged weathering and leaching(high precipitation each year). there is serious soil erosion,especially chemical weathering.The soil will not be fertile and rarely develop a didtinct organic surface layer.
參考: My geog teacher notes

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