
2006-10-20 6:20 am
when three fair dice are thrown.what is the P(the three number are different)?P(the product of the three number is even)?

回答 (5)

2006-10-20 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
the questions can be change to find the P of all the three number are the same, i think you can find it very easily, don't you?
so P(the three number are different)+P(the three number are the same)=1

the product of the three number is either odd or even, so the result is half and half ie 0.5

2006-10-19 23:03:47 補充:
1- (1/6)X(1/6)X(1/6) X6=35/36
2006-10-20 9:50 am

2006-10-20 7:47 am
three numbers are different:
first die: 咩結果都冇所課
second die: 要同第一粒既結果唔同,即only 5 options
third die: 要同第一、二粒既結果唔同,即only 4 options
P(three numbers are different)
= 1 x 5/6 x 4/6
= 20/36
= 5/9

product of the three numbers is even
only 1 die is even: ooe, oeo, eoo
only 2 dice are even: oee, eoe, eeo
3 dice are even: eee
P(product of the three is even)
= (1/2)^3 x 3 + (1/2)^3 x 3 + (1/2)^3

2006-10-19 23:49:10 補充:
three numbers are different:first die: 咩結果都冇所謂 (打錯字)
2006-10-20 7:15 am
P(the three number are different)

There are 6 no. of result will get if you throw a dice. Therefore if 3 dice are thrown, the no. of result = 6 x 6 x 6

∴P(the three number are different)
=4/9 (four over nine)

There are only 2,2,2. , 4,4,4. & 6,6,6. three result will make the product of the three number is even.

P(the product of the three number is even)

2006-10-19 23:44:27 補充:
sorry,I correct part 2 as:If there is one or about dice show an even no,then the product must be even.Only1,3,5 is odd no, and only if the 3 no. of the 3 dice are odd no. can not get the their product to even.∴ The product of the three number is even=216- (3x3x3)=189P(189)=189/216=7/8
2006-10-20 6:58 am
a) 5/9

b) 1/2
參考: me

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