
2006-10-20 6:09 am
l have lots of friends at school.my best friend is called danny.
he is thirteen years old.every mornng,at recess,danny
and l go to the tuck shop.we usually buy a drink.at lunchtime,
danny and l usually play basketball in the playground.we
sometimes play football because it is danny's favourite sport.

回答 (2)

2006-10-20 6:18 am
l have lots of friends at school
my best friend is called Danny.
He is thirteen years old.Every moring recess, Danny
and l go to the tuck shop and buy a drink.During lunch time,
we usually play basketball in the playground and we
play football sometimes because it is danny's favourite sport.

2006-10-19 22:19:16 補充:
l have lots of friends at school.My best friend is called Danny.
2006-10-20 6:11 am
What you want me to help?where s the question?

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:00:42
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