
2006-10-20 5:22 am
價錢2100 來回的

回答 (5)

2006-10-21 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
REFUND TICKET 唔係睇你用幾多錢買張機票返黎架!
一般黎講都要睇你張飛既 TICKET FARE RULE。


你現有的況一定係最好搵返買票比你的旅行社問佢一樣野,就係如果票價唔可以退的話,可唔可以淨係退返D機場稅、雜費比你,因為係你買哩張HKD 2100的機飛時應該額外比左D機場稅,燃油附加費,保安稅…各樣唔同的雜費,如果你冇用過D機場服務係應該唔洗比哩D錢架,哩D錢係旅行社預先係你出發前代政府收的,冇理由因為你取消行程而唔退比你。

參考: 工作經驗
2006-10-22 9:57 pm
GOOD!!! 加油!!!
2006-10-20 8:22 am
I would suggest:-

If you bought ticket from travel agent, let your travel agent to assist you.

If you bought ticket from Airline directly, go to their office and present your ticket and
receipt. They will do it for you.

Before you do so, you can also check your itinerary or your ticket, see any things show
"Non-endorsable", "Non-reroutable", "Non-refundable". If you can see "non-refundable", you cannot get refund for this type of ticket.

My experience, refund ticket with Qantas Airways for my friend since she could not travel with me.
I rang Qantas Airways ticketing as I bought the ticket directly from Qantas ticketing office in Central using my credit card. When I contact them, I just mentioned the PNR no., my personal details, they will process the refund accordingly. Normally, it takes around a month to do so.
2006-10-20 7:19 am
How much you get refund for purely depend on the subclass your ticket is on as condition vary...
But looking at the price, this seems to be a pretty high subclass fare... So you should be able to get refund of at least half the price I would suggest...
Since the lowest charge for cancelling tickets is around half your ticket price... So you should be able to get a refund of around HKD1000 I would suggest...
Having said that, different airlines have different policies and their charge for cancellation is difference too... Some charge higher and some charge less...
Best solution would be contact the airlines personally and check the condition of the ticket your previously purchased...
2006-10-20 5:33 am
please read the condition of purchase. or you can ring to where you bought the ticket.
penalty for some, or non-refundable for some.

(i.e. it*s not related to the amount you paid)

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