*英文問題 幫幫忙 唔該*10點

2006-10-20 4:56 am
(1) What is a traditional drink in your country?

(2) When do you drink this?

(3) What is this drink made from?

(4) What does it taste like?

(5) Are there any benefits to drinking this?

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) What is a traditional drink in your country?
In Hong Kong , a traditional drink is Vitasoy.

(2) When do you drink this?
I drink a pack of Vitasoy every day.

(3) What is this drink made from?
Vitasoy is made from soya beans.

(4) What does it taste like?
The taste of Vitasoy likes soya milk.

(5) Are there any benefits to drinking this?
There are many benefits to drink Vitasoy.
It is not expensive. Vitasoy is good for our health in teeth, bones, intestines, stomach, digestion, etc. because it contains protein, calcium, vitamin B and isoflavones.
2006-10-20 8:14 pm
1. 你 國家啲傳統 飲品係咩嚟架?

2. 咁你哋會晌咩嘢時候/場合飲架?

3. 呢啲飲品係用咩嘢調較出嚟?

4. 係咩嘢嘅味道架?

5. 飲咗呢啲飲品會唔會對身體有任何好處?
2006-10-20 5:05 am
1. Silk milktea

2. never

3. Made from Hong Kong

4. If you add some sugar , it becomes sweet

5. It can make you become satisfied

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