kmb is 新鴻基地產發展有限公司's company?

2006-10-20 3:06 am
kmb is 新鴻基地產發展有限公司's company?

回答 (2)

2006-10-20 4:17 pm
唔係, 新鴻基只係九巴股東之一, 係合作伙伴關係; 亦因為新鴻基擁有頗大比例九巴股份, 所以郭氏三兄弟同時係九巴董事局成員.
2006-10-20 7:55 am
唔係, kmb 係上市公司, 載通國際控股有限公司 (Transport International) 0062.HK, 旗下嘅一間成員公司. 載通以前係叫九龍巴士有限公司 (The Kowloon Motor Bus Holdings Limited)

以下係quote from 俾你睇吓, 你會知更多九巴嘅history.

Transport International Holdings Limited ("Transport International", SEHK: 0062) is the holding company of The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited, RoadShow Holdings Limited, and other leading service providers in the franchised public bus, non-franchised transportation and media sales sectors. The geographic reach of the Group's operations spans key cities in China Mainland and Hong Kong, where it also has business interests in property holdings and development.

The Kowloon Motor Bus Holdings Limited was established in 1997 in a restructuring exercise designed to meet the needs of the Group's growing portfolio. The renaming of the company as "Transport International" on 28 November 2005 is part of the Group's overarching vision to become a world-class public transport innovator in the Greater China region. Committed to its mission of driving customer and shareholder value as well as the social and economic development of Greater China by providing commuters with world-class, innovative and reliable public transport and related services, Transport International is more than a provider of public transport services. It is a pioneer of new services, design and technology and a leader that sets industry standards throughout the region.

As a driving force in Greater China's public transport sector, Transport International remains focused on delivering value to its customers, shareholders and the community by expanding its service offerings in China Mainland while maintaining the highest operating standards in Hong Kong.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:24:26
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