英文填字game 3

2006-10-20 2:42 am
1 My mother quitted her job.She is a______now.(9 words)
2 Tom Hanks is one of the best_______in hollywood.His acting is excellent.(6 words)
3 I usually play computer games in my ______ ______.(兩字共9 words)

回答 (8)

2006-10-20 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. housewife
2. actor
3. bedroom
2006-10-20 3:06 am
3.study room
2006-10-20 3:03 am
1. housewife
2. actor
3. bedroom
2006-10-20 2:59 am
1 My mother quitted her job.She is housewife anow.(9 words)
2 Tom Hanks is one of the bestactor in hollywood.His acting is excellent.(6 words)

2006-10-19 18:59:57 補充:
3 I usually play computer games in my bedroom .(兩字共9 words) a
2006-10-20 2:53 am
1 My mother quitted her job.She is housewife anow.(9 words)
2 Tom Hanks is one of the bestactor in hollywood.His acting is excellent.(6 words)
3 I usually play computer games in my bedroom .(兩字共9 words)
2006-10-20 2:50 am
1. housewife
2. actor
2006-10-20 2:49 am
2006-10-20 2:48 am
1. out-of-work

2006-10-19 18:50:55 補充:
2. actors

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:33:25
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