
2006-10-20 2:21 am
各位, 我現在沒有工作, 想找份文職工作, 之前有做過暑期工的Clerk的經驗, 中七畢業。
我每次interview時, 總是敗在自我介紹的環節上,,,尤其是English, 我的English是不太差的, 但是就weak in speaking....so每次要我用自我介紹時, 總會口啞啞咁....
我想問下大家, 通常你地係用English introduce yourself 時, 大多會怎樣介紹的? 可否give me some advices?

回答 (2)

2006-10-20 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am xxx . I am xx yrs old , I worked as a Clerk for summer job last yr .
I like xxxxxxx tell them your hobbies and interests .........................
right now i am looking for a new job and coming for interview today .thanks.
2006-10-20 2:28 am
ok ga...or the interview is abc or white(speak loudly,clearly and listen carefully),if they r just chinese or asian...say whatever u what to say as fast as u can, they will say...ok ok, lets back chinese la...

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