
2006-10-20 12:15 am

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
hihi, 我屋企人曾經都有呢個病, 佢係工聯會沙田間中醫診所到睇, 大約睇左半年到啦而家已經無事啦, 個醫生姓鄭的, 不過睇中醫要有耐性, 急都急唔黎, 其實有呢個病最重要係佢的朋友同親人係佢身邊多多照顧佢, 只係食藥睇醫生係無用架
參考: 自己
2007-05-30 12:39 am
mr cheng is a good tcm practictioner. i am also one of his patient!
2006-10-20 1:07 am
For your case, you should not just rely on the medicine and doctors, I suggest. There are thousand of the reason that make you depress in fact. But you are the only one knowing well the truth why you come to this.

Play more sports and less thinking of something unreal or passed.

Take some normal & standard multi-vitamin and fresh fruits and sleep well everyday. Listen some light music before you get to bed.

Try to appreciate more to what you can see and what you can have in your living. Thanks to your God too.

You have to help yourself. It is not a very difficult task at all but need to take some time. Be patient for it.

It is really workable and I am recovering almost 90%.

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