經常不自覺地說謊, 算不算是精神病的一種??

2006-10-19 11:48 pm

今天午飯本是吃西餐, 當別人問起時會答吃了燒味飯;
本是自己買的東西, 說成是別人送的;
有時會無中生有; 有時會跨大;

這種經常不自覺地說謊, 算不算是精神病的一種??

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 12:05 am
有沒有病不是問題. 而是你有沒有心去改過.
參考: 我
2006-10-19 11:56 pm
Reasons why you behave like this:
1. you over protect yourself ( you think of what you say to other will harm u in some ways )

2 . you don't like that person you talked with ( you don 't want him to know about you )

3. . you get used to tell lies in front of others ( you will suffer from this serious if you addict into it , as you think it is a funny at the beginning and then at this stage , you adapt about it and think it is normal to tell lies in front of others
2006-10-19 11:53 pm

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