請問如果朋友向我說 what's up, 該怎樣回答最有禮貎.

2006-10-19 9:32 pm
我的朋友從美國回來, 每次見面必定說 what's up, 我知道這句話是問侯語, 相等於你好嗎 ? 請問各位網友, 它的真正意思, 我下次可以怎樣回答比較恰當, 接下來該說什麼好. 謝謝 !

回答 (8)

✔ 最佳答案

看看澳洲 知識的答案,原來外國人英文是母語的也不懂答,

俾我答,我會 " Nothing much。 How about you?/And you ? " 裏面有個答案都是咁答。

2006-10-20 12:28 am
其實whats up係問你最近點丫?做緊咩丫?

回答應該你話比對方講你做近做緊咩而唔係答i am fine / good, thanks.

如果最近冇咩特別嘢可以答not much / nada ( 西班牙意思嘅冇嘢.但係有時都會晌美語出現,音:la da)
2006-10-19 11:31 pm
I would answer: hey not bad! what's happening with you lately? OR

nothing much! how are you?


hope this helps!!
參考: me!
2006-10-19 10:52 pm
I usually just reply with : ( If nothing special have happened lately )

As usual / Same as usual / Just another ordinary day / Nothing much

Then ask them : What about you?

Unless there's something interesting/special lately, then I will tell them.
2006-10-19 10:40 pm
So So!(即平時聽到人說的So Far So Good)
2006-10-19 10:11 pm
意思:怎麼樣? 或 最近怎麼樣?
如果你想說你最近很好,你可說Thank you,I'm fine.How about you?
或者說你最近的狀況,但要說Thank you
參考: me
2006-10-19 9:48 pm
佢地既意思係 how are you, 你答 cool 或者 doing pretty good 就ok.
2006-10-19 9:38 pm
呢句野係 源自黑人文化...

大家都解到個意思, 但就太過文皺皺...

即係好似你見到你啲朋友時打招呼, 其實唔駛答架...即係好似...

{喂! 點呀.. ) 跟住兩條友就係到 "what"s up" "what's up""

咁你可以答番佢 hi or 問番佢how are you ?

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