急找戰鬥彈珠人、Gundam高達、變形金剛、Keroro供應,十二萬火急 唔該!

2006-10-19 6:43 pm
急找戰鬥彈珠人、Gundam高達、變形金剛、Keroro供應, 十二萬火急 唔該!
本人想批一些Takara戰鬥彈珠人、Bandai Gundam、Teroro軍曹、變形金剛等模型,請問有無人有興趣或指導小弟如何找批發商??長期合作。

回答 (2)

2006-10-19 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may search from http://www.taobao.com/ there's alot of toys manufacturer who sell their product from the back door. see this example http://shop33504685.taobao.com/
參考: self experience
2006-10-20 1:49 am
You may search from http://www.taobao.com/ there's alot of toys manufacturer who sell their product from the back door. see this example http://shop33504685.taobao.com/
參考: me

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