Ideal Gas Law ; Calculation of one variable

2006-10-19 4:37 pm
A 2.00-L tank, evacuated and empty, has a mass of 725.6 g. It is filled with butance gas ( C4H10) at 22 celsius to a pressure of 1.78 atm. What is the mass of the tank after it is filled?


回答 (2)

2006-10-20 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
By Ideal Gas Law



mass gain

new mass
2006-10-21 7:57 am
Use PV=nRT
But the unit used is not SI
the correct one should be
(1.78)(2) = n(0.08206)(273+22)

If use R = 8.314
the pressure should be in Pa, not atm
the volume should be in m3, not litre

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