大學程度的英文---句子改正 (急﹗)

2006-10-19 9:15 am
1.Sex should take place or not depends on whether there is love between the man and the woman.

2.By the time the fire was extinguished, there were five fire trucks at the scene.

3.There are many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, in traditional Chinese medicine.

回答 (5)

2006-10-19 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1,Sex should BE TAKEN place or not depends on whether LOVE IS CONSISTING BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN.

2,i think it's ok

3,i think it's ok
參考: my reference
2006-10-19 2:36 pm
1. Sex _should_ take place or not _depends_ on whether there is love between the man and the woman.

The above sentence has two main verbs and therefore it is grammatically incorrect. The simplest correction is to add the word whether at the beginning of the sentence to make the first part, whether ... or not, a noun phrase. The style of the corrected sentence is not good because you use two whether in succession.

In addition, since you are not referring to a specific man and woman, you should not be using the definite article. An indefinite article is appropriate.

You may want to try the following instead:
* Whether a man and a woman should have sex depends on their love.
* Sex should take place only when there is love betwen a man and a woman.

2. The sentence is OK. Style-wise, it would be better to rewrite the second half to: ..., five trucks were at the scene.

3. The sentence is grammatically correct, but I find it odd that you single out eucalyptus leaves as an example in a fairly generic statement. What meaning do you want to convey in this sentence?
2006-10-19 9:57 am
1. whether sex should take place depends on if there is love between a man and a woman.

2. there are five fire trucks at the scene by the time the fire was ceased.

3. there are many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, in traditional chinese medicine.
2006-10-19 9:38 am
1. Whether sex should take place or not depends on whether there is love between the man and the woman.
我記得or not 之前要有whether, 但whether之後唔一定要跟or not。另外呢度用the man and the woman, 應該係指某對男女或者某個case。如果只係講黎一般人一般情況,可以就咁寫man and woman.
2. When the fire was extinguished, there were five fire trucks at the scene.
3. There are many herbs and plants, such as eucalyptus leaves, in traditional Chinese medicine.
2006-10-19 9:33 am
1. Sex should take place only when a man and a woman are in love (and strong relationship).

1. Having sex or not depends on the depth of love between a man and a woman.

2. There were five fire trucks at the scene when the fire was extinguished.

3. Traditional Chinese medicine consists of many herbs and plants, like eucalyptus leaves, etc.
參考: me

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