help 睇下有咩問題(10)

2006-10-19 8:37 am
i saw a movie on last week.
it was a touching movie which is a tragic love story.
it made me cried but,i don t let the tears flow out of my eyes as i don t want my parent saw a ugly face of me.

(1)呢幾句有咩錯,please先指出來...(tense gammar 錯d 乜 etc...)
(3)我想講... 這令我xxxx(除左it made me) 仲可以點寫?
(4)這套戲的名叫 xxxxx (轉英文) thx...

plz... 回答時,幫我用番 (1) (2) (3) 咁黎講番我錯乜...thx!!!

回答 (3)

2006-10-19 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
.I saw a movie last week (you dun have to put any preposition before )
.The movie was so touching as it is a tragic love story (use conjunction instead of pronoun)
.It made me cry. But I just did not let myself burst into tears as I did not want my parents to see such a ugly look of mine (it is a bit strange, not sure what do you mean by ugly face)

2) As stated

3) This made me / I was XXXX because of (more indirect for this one)

4) The name of the movie is xxx / The movie is called xxxx /
參考: myself
2006-10-19 10:07 am
i saw a movie last week

it was a touching movie about a tragic love story

it made me cried. yet, i didn't let it flow out of my eyes because i didn't want my parents to see my ugly crying face.

the name of the movie is XXXX
2006-10-19 8:47 am
i saw a movie on last week.
it was a touching movie which is a tragic love story
my tears were running out from my eyes , but i insisted not crying out as it is quite embarassed to show my ugly face in front of them.

4.The movie so called.........

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