
2006-10-19 7:57 am

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crash 是撞, crush 是壓碎, 當然是 crush 傷好多。

vi.1. (發出猛烈聲音地)碰撞,倒下,墜落The motorcycle crashed into the fence.摩托車猛地撞在籬笆上。2. (飛機等)墜毀,撞壞An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.昨夜一架客機在丹佛西邊墜毀。3. (發出很響聲音地)衝,闖[Q]4. 發出撞擊聲,發出爆裂聲Listen to the thunder crash.聽劈雷發出的巨響。5. 失敗;垮臺;破產His company crashed last year.他的公司去年破產了。6. 【俚】(免費)宿夜;睡I'd crashed Friday afternoon -- I hadn't completely recovered from the infection.我星期五下午昏睡過去了,我發炎還沒完全恢復過來。7. 【電腦】當機The PC just crashed.那部個人電腦剛當機了。

vt.1. 壓碎,壓壞;碾碎;榨Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.別壓壞這個盒子;裡面有花。2. 弄皺Her dress was crushed.她的衣服弄皺了。3. 壓服,壓垮;摧毀Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.他們企圖推翻政府的陰謀被粉碎了。4. 塞;擠,使擠入[O]

crash 多數用 ACTIVE, crush 多數用 PASSIVE。撞是自己或別人撞,被壓碎的當然是外來人和事做的。


2006-10-19 11:52:03 補充:
yahoo dict

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