
2006-10-19 7:24 am

回答 (4)

2006-10-19 7:59 am
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Today, there are many different types of food which provide us for our daily need. However, There are some food that I do not like to eat; for example, Tuna, Potato and Bean. Well the most dislike food for me is bean as it taste bitter specially with gravy. Although I know its provide a lot of vitamin for us
60 words
現今,在那裡有許多不同的類型的食物去提供我們日常需要.不過,某一些食物我是不喜歡吃的;例如,金槍魚,馬鈴薯和豆子.對我來說我最不喜歡食的食物是 豆子因為它吃起來酸酸的特別地和肉汁一起食.儘管 我知道它提供大量的維他命給我們

2006-10-19 00:02:14 補充:
sorry about my chinese as I don't really know how to type chinese^^( i used dictionary to help me)hmm... just want to know what 年級 are you in now??
2006-10-19 7:56 am
I don't like eat the edible frog, because it is so ugly. I don't like eat a dog, cat, rabbit, because it is irregular food. I don't like eat cheese, beef, a crab, a shrimp, because too fat and high cholesterol.
參考: myself
2006-10-19 7:53 am
The food that I do not like is fried chicken. I do not like this kind of food as because I hate to eat the high calori and high fats food. The friend chicken is catogory as an extreamly unhealty food. If you eat more of this food, you might suffering obesity of which you are take too much of high calori and fats. That's why I do not like fried chicken.

71 words.
參考: I write it by myself.
2006-10-19 7:41 am
The food that l hate most:
L don’t like jacket potato ,actually, l hate jacket potato,
Some people may not know what jacket potato is jacket potato is a food that pt different kind of food in a small potato, that why it is call Jackie potato,
It got different kind f food can piut on top ,suc as bake bean(l don’t like it),cheese(l hate it),tuna….or any other more
Probably ,some people like it, but l am surly not me,

參考: myself

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