Who and Whom

2006-10-19 7:08 am
What is the different between "who" And "whom"? when should i use Whom instead of who?

回答 (5)

2006-10-19 3:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whom is passive.,
e.g. He is the person, whom I spoke to yesterday. In this sentence, I is the subject, he is the object, so whom is defining the object, i.e. I spoke to him yesterday

Who is active
e.g. He is the person, who spoke to me yesterday. In this sentence, he is the subject and I is the object, so who is defining the subject, i.e. He spoke to me yesterday.

Note: You can use who instead of whom but cannot use whom instead of who.

So, it is also correct to say: He is the person, who I spoke to yesterday.

People often use whom to show that they know the difference between the two words. If you find it hard to tell the different, it is safer to use who in all occasion to define a person in your writing. However, if it is a grammar test to test your knowledge on the two words, you have to use the guidelines above to pick the right answer.
參考: my own knowledge
2006-10-19 7:42 am
who 是代表主語的...例如答 Who is working? 個答案會係 John is working 咁...? John 係一個主語...所以問的時候要用who

whom代表賓語...即動詞後的地方...例如: Whom will you meet? 個答案係 I will meet Peter. Peter在meet這個動詞後...所以問的時候要用whom

2006-10-19 7:16 am

he = who
him = whom

Who/Whom wrote the letter?
He wrote the letter. Therefore, who is correct.

For who/whom should I vote?
Should I vote for him? Therefore, whom is correct.

We all know who/whom pulled that prank.
This sentence contains two clauses: We all know and who/whom pulled that prank. We are interested in the second clause because it contains the who/whom. He pulled that prank. Therefore, who is correct.
2006-10-19 7:14 am
Whom instead of who,當然唔可以啦
不過who就可以instead of whom
2006-10-19 7:11 am
"Who" is the subject. This is the person who do the action.

"Whom" is the object. This is the person who receive action. That mean someone do something to that person.

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