grammer (唔識點去用) 20分!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-19 6:32 am
simple present

present continuous

present perfect

present perfect continuous

simple past

past continuous

future continuous

future perfect tense

希望可以答以上ge tenses係點用,同有example !!

回答 (3)

2006-10-19 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
The simple present tense is used to
1. express a gact that is always true 當一D野係事實
The earth goes round the sun. 地球繞地球轉. [呢個係不變的事實]
2. to express a hotbit
i do not eat anything before i go to school every day.
3. to express an action which is done everyday
she goes to school by bus everyday.[如果個He She It 現在式後面個verb加s or es]

present continuous tense is used
1. to express what is actually happening at the present moment of speaking.[發生緊ge]
i am doing my homework now. express what will happen in the future[將來會發生]
i am going to see Mary tomorrow.

the present perfect tense
is used to wxpress an action that began in the past and has been finished at the time of speaking or is still continuing.
I have just opened the window.

the simple past tense
is used to express an action done in the past.
i went to USA last month.

the past continuous tense
is used to show an action that was going on at a certain time in the past, mostly it is used when two things happened at the same time.[以表示過去發生的事情,係表示兩種事情係差唔多時間發生]
when he came in i was doning my homework.

the past perfect tense
is used to express an action that happeded before another action at certain time in the past, therefore it cannot be used alone in a simple sentence. it is used with the simple past tense.
eg. i had wtitten a letter before i went to bed.

future continuos[將會發生ge]
is used to ecpress an action which i s going to happen.
he will go to Japan next week.
2006-10-19 9:16 am
simple present : use for permanent actions-play, lives,studies. e.g. where do you live?
for habitual actions.e.g.always or once a week,she is never late,he often
watches TV
use s in the third person singular.
present continue : for action happing now/at the moment : use be+verb+-ing
e.g.what are you doing here?
for future arrangement e.g. tonight or tomorrow
e.g. I am going to school
present perfect :use have/has+past particular
for past experiences, e.g. Have you ever seen a tiger?
for unfinished actions which started in the past and are still true now.
e.g.we have had this house for ten months.
for an action in the past which has recently finished e.g.They have
paint the chair
with just. already and yet e.g. She is just arrived. just and already go
before the main verb or after.
present perfect continuous :use have/has+been+(verb+ing)
for unfinished actions which started in the past and still true now.
e.g.I have learning mandarine for two years.
for a continuous action in the past which has recently finished.
I have been washing the car.
simple past : use went, played etc.
for finished actions in the past when you say or know when they
happened. e.g. I lived in Hong Kong for forty years ago.
past continue:use was+verb+-ing , for past actiion till at the moment.
e.g. he was waiting for a friend.
future continue: use will, going to.for plans you have already to do use going to
e.g. I am going to look for a house.
for unplanned decision use will/would not +infinitive e.g. I shall
answer the question
for future arrangements use present continue with the verb go, see
e.g.I am having lunch with Sam tomorrow.
future perfect tense :for when,as soon as and until talk about the future action
e.g. we will stay here until he comes.
2006-10-19 7:02 am
simple present:everday to do things.EX:I get up at seven ( everyday ).
present coninuous: be+verb+ing.EX:I am (drawing) a picture now.
present perfect :have:I,You,We,They/has:He,She,It+Past Participle.EX:I (have) just (finished) my homework.
simple past:verb+edEX:Mary (went) to the bookstore (last night).
past continuous:was/were+verb+ing.EX:I (was reading) a novel.
future continuous:shall/will+be+verb+ing.EX:It (will be ringing) about this time tomorrow.
future perfect:shall/will+have+ past participle.EX:I (Shall have finished) my homework by evening.
參考: Me

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