was and were

2006-10-19 4:58 am
was and were 怎樣用法? 幾時用was? 幾時用were?

回答 (3)

2006-10-19 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
If it is past tense(過去式), then
it funtions as 'be',
am/is-> was

if you want to say 'if ... ,....'
If I were you, I will be give up.
係呢個情況,無論你係用is/am/are 都係用were,因為你講緊d冇可能發生的事


2006-10-18 21:08:45 補充:
咁樣應該好睇d,我將開引號轉左括號..If it is past tense(過去式), thenit funtions as (be),am/is - wasare - wereif you want to say (if ... ,....)e.g.如果我是你,我會放棄!If I were you, I will be give up.係呢個情況,無論你係用is/am/are 都係用were,因為你講緊d冇可能發生的事
2006-10-19 5:17 am
I, He, She, It : Use was

We, They, You: Use were
參考: mind
2006-10-19 5:02 am
i, he, she, it : use was

We, They, You: use were

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