
2006-10-19 2:17 am

回答 (9)

2006-10-19 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
打錯 You got a wrong number.
無這個人 No such person

I am sorry, I think you got a wrong number
I am sorry, no such person here.
參考: myself
2006-10-20 12:00 am
I think you've rang the wrong number!

There is no such person here.

Sorry, wrong number!
參考: me!
2006-10-19 6:49 am
Makes a mistake, does not have this person
2006-10-19 3:29 am
sorry, i got the wrong number
2006-10-19 2:36 am
There is not anynody called XXX. I'm afraid you have got the wrong number
2006-10-19 2:28 am
I am afraid you have got the wrong number
2006-10-19 2:21 am
I(m) afraid you got the wrong number.
2006-10-19 2:21 am
I sorry, i think you dialed the wrong number because no one called"XXX"here

2006-10-18 18:21:46 補充:
I sorry, i think you dialed the wrong number because no one called"XXX"here
2006-10-19 2:19 am
wrong number !

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:57:24
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