"XX公司係以出產優質既玩具而聞名於世既" 英文點講?

2006-10-19 12:14 am
以下句子, 英文點講?

1. XX公司以出產優質既玩具而聞名於世
2. 係開始今晚節目之前,我想邀請XX公司既總經理同我地講幾句說話。

Thank you!

回答 (6)

2006-10-19 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
上面個一位又係網上翻譯... 翻譯完都睇一睇先啦...
雖然我英文唔係好得, 希望幫到你
1. xx company is highly recognised worldwide because of its products, supreme quality toys.
2. We would like to invite our manager, Mr. XX, to share his feeling before the program commence.
2006-10-19 1:19 am
1. XX公司以出產優質既玩具而聞名於世

XX Company is renowned for its production of high quality toys.

2. 係開始今晚節目之前,我想邀請XX公司既總經理同我地講幾句說話。

Before the show, we would like to invite the general manager of XX Company to deliver a speech to us.
2006-10-19 1:19 am
1. XXX company is renowned for its high quality toys.
(high is optional above, even without the word high, it is understood.

2. Before our program tonight, I would like to invite the General Manager of XXX company to say a few words to us.
參考: Yahoo 字典 for translation of renowned
2006-10-19 1:16 am
1. XX 公司以出產優質既現具而名聞於世
XX Company is famous worldwide for producing premium quality toys.

2. 係開始今晚節目之前, 我想邀請 XX 公司既總經理同我地講幾句說話
Before tonight’s show begins, I would like to invite the general manager of XX Company to say a few words to us.
2006-10-19 12:39 am
1.xx company is famous for their high quality toys.
2.in the begining of the show/programme,we like to invite our manager to make a speech.
參考: myself
2006-10-19 12:39 am
In English:
1. XX Co. is famous for producing high quality toys.
2. Before the start of tonight's show, I'd like to invite the general manager of XX Co. to say something first.
參考: myself

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