請問有冇人用過intense xxl眼睫毛液!!??

2006-10-18 10:37 pm
大家覺得intense xxl好唔好用?

回答 (3)

2006-10-19 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得 intense 5 好用.....
反而就 gum xxl 仲好用 d~
因為 intense o個d "纖維" 勁得滯
好易搽到一pat pat
比較難 handle ar
同埋 xxl 已經好夠用~
已經可以增長到 ga na~ ^^
2006-10-18 11:12 pm
I dont like the white part of the mascara. It is very difficult to cover it with layer of black mascara. There is difficulty in applying since the brush is not very good. The lashes look thicker but there can be cockcroaches feet (smudges). I advise u to use 'DE JA VU FIBERWIG' (red case) to use as lengthening your lashes, then use the black side of intense XXL. Then the effect will be better.

P.S. I heard people say the purple package one--> DODO club newest mascara is good. you can try it.

hope this helps
參考: my own experience
2006-10-18 10:45 pm
我一直用開XXL, 試過INTENSE XXL但就覺得效果差唔多...

用XXL/INTENSE XXL我發覺有個問題就係如果APPLY得唔好, 好易痴到一舊舊...所以我覺得如果你想EYE LASHES長啲, XXL(藍色)已經OK, 唔洗INTENSE (黑色)

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