
2006-10-18 10:17 pm

回答 (5)

2006-10-18 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
how often for the bus?
what time will be the next bus coming?
2006-10-18 11:47 pm
“幾耐有一班車到” 英文點問?
如果你的意思是 ‘下一班車幾時到呀?’, 英文是:
When will be the next train?

When is the next train?
( 火車地鐵等都有既定班次, 除了意外或故障延誤外, 班次大都準確, 用 ‘is’ 表達了其規矩性, 這反而是較為地道的說法, 比用 ‘will be’ 好 )
如果你是想問 ‘每隔多久才有一班車呀?’, 英文是:
At what intervals do the trains arrive?
( an ‘interval’ is a period between two events or times 兩件事情或兩點時間之間的間隔 )
2006-10-18 10:53 pm
How long is the next?
What time is the next?
2006-10-18 10:22 pm
How often for the XXX??

xxx= bus,train, mini van,etc...
參考: Myself
2006-10-18 10:22 pm
you can say : how often does the ______ (train/MTR/bus) come?

如果你要人地比個schedule你就問 : Do you know the _____ (Train/MTR/bus) schedule?

2006-10-20 15:52:21 補充:

一條問題/句子連動詞都無點得??? 應該係 how often does the bus come? How often for the bus 係大錯特錯....

第二句都係錯左, 應該係 what time will the next bus be coming?
動詞應該係名詞後面, 永遠都係.......所以呢句又係大錯特錯

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